Chronic health conditions
Did you know that 89% of deaths in Australia in 2018 were associated with a chronic disease? Or that almost 50% of all Australians had one or more chronic disease at that time - and these numbers are getting worse!
There is hope though. Of the ten chronic diseases recognised by the Australian Health Department, seven can be improved with change in diet, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
It can be a scary time when you are told that you have a chronic disease. The information can be overwhelming and confusing. As dietitians we can help you to understand what your condition means for your daily life. We can provide you with information and education about the foods and nutrients that affect it and help you to manage your condition.
As dietitians we are lucky to have more time to work with you to manage your condition. You will spend an hour with the dietitian in your first consultation. This gives you plenty of time to ask questions, and for the dietitian to get to know the way that you live and eat. Your chronic disease management will be individualised so that it works for you.
The best thing is, if you need more time, you can have more time. Your follow up appointments are 30 minutes, but, if you are struggling and think you need more time, you can book an extended follow up appointment, giving you a whole hour to work with the dietitian.
If you have a chronic disease, you are eligible for a GP Management Plan (also known as a Team Care Arrangement) which entitles you to a Medicare rebate for up to five allied health appointments each year. These can be used to gain a rebate from your appointment with a Live Better Nutrition dietitian.
When you have a Care Plan created, request appointments to Live Better Nutrition, and we can work with you to manage your chronic disease.
Overweight & obesity: 2/3 of Australian adults are overweight or obese as are 25% of our children. Being overweight (and especially being obese) is a major risk factor for chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, back pain and some cancers. It is also associated with higher rates of death.
While there hasnt been a more recent survey, things are getting worse. The increased availabilty of high energy foods combined with innovations like food delivery services make it is easier than ever to eat the wrong foods and to not exercise enough.
If you are experiencing issues with overweight or obesity, our dietitians can help with practical advice. Unlike some health professionals that will suggest you go cold turkey and cut out everything that you love about food, we take a pragmatic and realistic approach that ensures you CAN make the changes required before it is too late.
Type 2 Diabetes: The dietitians at Live Better Nutrition work with clients every day to manage their Type 2 diabetes. You may be worried that a dietitian is going to tell you that you can no longer eat your favourite foods. You might be surprised to find out that it is actually okay to eat many of your favourite f
oods. Your dietitian will work with you to help you create a balanced diet, including foods that you enjoy.
Type 2 Diabetes is progressive. The diet that you have been using for the past several years may no longer be keeping your blood glucose levels in range. Our dietitians can work with you to identify what changes you need to make and support you through the process.
Cardiovascular disease: There are lots of websites, forums and blogs about managing your cholesterol or blood pressure. The advice can be confusing and often contradictory. Do you use low fat dairy? Is coconut oil a good alternative? One site will tell you yes, another will tell you no.
Food and nutrition play a crucial role in managing your cardiovascular health. Small changes to your diet really can make a big difference to your cholesterol and blood pressure. Weight loss of just 5% of your body weight makes a significant difference to many chronic disease measurements. The dietitians at Live Better Nutrition can help you plan your diet to help you reach your health goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight, reduce your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure or all three, we will work with you
Osteoporosis: Often the first time you find out you have osteoporosis is when you break a bone or experience a crush fracture to one or more vertebrae. Osteoporosis is known as a silent disease, as you usually have no idea you have it before it is diagnosed. It is important to manage osteoporosis through dietary and lifestyle measure to prevent further deterioration.
Managing osteoporosis can be tough, particularly if you don’t like dairy, or you are lactose intolerant. A Live Better Nutrition dietitian can give you practical tips to increase your intake of calcium-rich foods, including non-dairy and vegan sources to meet your requirements.
In-person and telehealth appointments available.
We are located in Eastern Australia - please email us at if you would like to arrange an appointment outside of our standard operating hours